
Wes Whiddon's World Wide Weblog.

Friday, October 22, 2004

Alas, the Astros lost to St. Louis last night. No World Series for us but our team deserves plenty of accolades for being the comeback kids of the year.

Stupidity Beyond Belief

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

I thought I was going to settle down in front of the TV tonight but a look outside around 8:00 pm at the first quarter moon changed my mind.

Decided to drag the FS-102 out of the garage and take a look. I've been working on the Sky and Telescope Lunar 100 observing program so I managed to log about 20 lunar objects tonight. Funny thing. When you pay attention to the lunar surface, there's lots of strange stuff up there. And the Takahashi scope is fantastic for the moon.

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

How Much Hair Spray Can It Take?

The Spitzer Space Telescope has made some amazing discoveries. Observations with this relatively new scope have confirmed that planet formation is a messy business.

I was surprised that Ellie's eye surgery went as fast as it did. We were in the clinic by 9:30 and out by 12:30. All seemed to go well.

After the cataract surgery, the doc did a laser procedure on her left eye. I was surprised that the Yag Laser is such a simple thing. Dr. Webb deadened Ellie's eye with anesthetic, stuck a lens under her eyelids, and , using a joy stick, shot a laser into her eye about a half dozen times. This is supposed to clear anything that has accumulated on the back of the lens capsule. But Ellie is complaining of unclear vision in that eye. Hope it's temporary.

Back to the clinic tomorrow morning for follow up.

Even though I was tired from the Dallas to Houston drive, I took the FS-102 out on the back patio last night. The moon is nearing first quarter and I wanted to take a look through a good refractor. Didn't stay long, though, because it was ridiculously hot and the mosquitoes were raging. After about 30 minutes I dragged the whole thing back in the garage and retired to the den to watch the Astros whip up on the Cardinals.

I say whip up with tongue in cheek. It could have gone either way. Both starting pitchers were amazing, giving up only 1 run each. But I think the difference was in the relief. Lidge with his smoking fast ball fanned out all three Cardinal batters in the top of the ninth. And when St. Louis walked the batter before Kent, that wrote the end of the story. Locals are calling it the best game in the history of the Astros. I agree. Now it's on the St. Louis and if Houston can pull off one more win, the World Series.

Everyone has arrived back home safely. Michael, Patricia, Walker in Cypress, Trey, Rebecca, Haley, Jordan in Chicago. I think I've had enough of weddings for a long time, especially when sickness overtakes little ones who can't fend for themselves.

Jordan is perfectly fine now. No one seems to be able to figure out why her fever spiked so high. Blood count looked good, cultures were normal, chest x-rays normal (according to the radiologist). The only outward sign of any problem was a slightly red throat. I suppose the doctor was correct to order so many tests but it's an extreme trauma on little kids to do a blood draw and to collect urine. I can still hear her screaming as the nurses held her down to insert the hep lock. Not a good memory.

Oh, and we can't seem to stay out of hospitals. Ellie and I are off to Kelsey-Seybold in a few minutes for her eye surgery. If experience holds, we will be there all day.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Another Statement From La La Land

It's an unsafe world out there. At least that's what Koffi Annan, head of the United Nations and protector of corrupt and bribed officials and rogue nuclear regimes believes. I quote:

"I don't think the Russian or the French or the Chinese government would allow itself to be bought because some of his companies are getting relative contracts from the Iraqi authorities," Annan said. "I don't believe that at all.

"I think it's inconceivable, these are very serious and important governments. You are not dealing with banana republics."

And further:

Annan also warned against any possible U.S. military action to prevent Iran developing its nuclear program.

"To undertake an operation of that kind would not be helpful at all," he said. "I don't even want to contemplate it because I think it would be very unwise."

So what's he going to say when the first nuclear tipped missile lands in Israel?

The Dead Sea Scrolls may not be the oldest scripture found. These amulets were discovered in 1979 but just now confirmed as dating from the seventh or sixth century B.C. The inscription reads:

May the Lord bless you and keep you; may the Lord cause his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; may the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and grant you peace.
This text is from Numbers 6:24-26 and is invoked at the end of Christian and Jewish liturgy.

They were in and out of ER within an hour. The attending doc said he and the radiologist saw nothing on the chest x-rays that indicate pneumonia. He believes the doctor that treated her was just being cautious. She's off Tylenol and Motrin but continuing Zithromax. Good news indeed.

Belated birthday celebration tonight. I turned 63 last Friday even though I don't feel a day over 62. Pepper shrimp at Pappadeaux, bread pudding for desert, cup of what I hope was decaff. If it wasn't it'll be a long night.

Rebecca, Trey, Haley, Jordan will be going back to Chicago tomorrow. This is the first time I've had a chance to spend extended time with Jordan. She's a cutie of the first degree, all smiles, and all personality--even when she's sick. We'll be there for Christmas; I'm looking forward to a good time with my grandkids during the holidays.

A long day. In bed at midnight, awake by 6:30 (actually awake twice during the night, once by some gangbanger's car stereo and once by someone's interminable alarm clock in an adjoining room), up at 7:00, coffee and a roll downstairs, showered, dressed, and on the way to the after wedding brunch at the Morris home.

Quiche, sausage, coffee cake, coffee, juice, fruit, lots of guests and I was starving by the time we finally started eating. Good stuff, though. Enjoyed the food and people.

The newly weds are on their way to Fiji then Sydney. No idea what they're going to do downunder.

Jordan is in much better health. But we are back in the hotel room waiting for Trey and Rebecca to take her back to the ER for test results. Hopefully the Dallas/Steelers game will keep the drunks and car wreck victims away for a while and they will get through the ER shuffle soon. My birthday was last Friday and I think we are celebrating tonight. Got the DVD "Day After Tomorrow" and a book of weird happenings in the U.S. Hard to say which will actually be weirder.

Jordan survived the wedding, as did Ellie and I. The first plan was for us to sit with her until the end of the wedding then take her for photos at the church. As her health improved, the plan changed. We were then supposed to take to the church then the reception for photos. It worked out fine. We got there a few minutes before the ceremony ended, waited in the lobby, and handed off Jordan to Trey and Rebecca. The picture taking lasted about 30 minutes, Jordan was patient and we were soon on our way to the Belo Mansion for the reception. Managed to work my way down the racetrack known as the Central Expressway, arrived without incident even though Jordan was screaming all they way because Rebecca was trying to get her to swallow Tylenol.

Jordan had a blast. I was surprised that a 16 month could party so hard. She was out on the dance floor with the best of them. And, in my opinion, doing about as well as some of the adults. Grandparents are never prejudiced about anything, of course.

We left the reception around 9 p.m., got back to the house around 9:25, and Jordan was in bed by 9:45. Trey and Rebecca came in around midnight. I hope Jordan had a restful night.