
Wes Whiddon's World Wide Weblog.

Friday, October 24, 2003

Arachnids At Work

Wednesday, October 22, 2003

NPR: We Can't Get The Straight Poop Anymore

The U.S. is clamping down on media access in Iraq. So lets see, what could it be?
›Because the media never has anything good to say?
›Because the media distorts everything?
›Because the media's liberal bias is ruining our effort to stabilize Iraq?
›All of the above?
Go here and click on Media In Iraq I or II to hear the latest whining.

Dimocrats Could Care Less

About defeating terrorism. At least that's what this poll says.

Partial Birth Abortion Is History

This heinous procedure (the elimination of which was twice vetoed by Bill Clinton) will, I hope, be put behind us. President Bush will sign this bill into law very soon. BUT lead Dimocratic hopeful Howard Dean continues the party line:

As a physician, I am outraged that the Senate has decided it is qualified to practice medicine," said Dean, a former governor of Vermont. He said the legislation "will endanger the lives of countless women."

On the other hand, Bill Frist has it right:
I can say without equivocation that partial birth abortion is brutal, it is barbaric, it is morally offensive, and it is outside the mainstream practice of medicine.

Couples by the thousands stand in line to adopt newborns. Why this so called medical procedure was ever allowed is a question the American public should ask itself.

If Any Are Unconvinced

Then they should read this article by Deroy Murdock. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to, as Murdock says "connect the dots" and understand that Saddam was at a minimum peripherally and at a maximum fully involved with most of the world's Islamic terrorist organizations including al Quaeda.

But the sniveling, posturing, bloviating likes of Ted Kennedy and his Dimocratic cohorts continue to deny, distort, and destroy our President's efforts to combat this cancer that threatens to wreck the very tenets of the civilized world.

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Pictures Of The Dead

This reporter thinks photographs of coffins returning from Iraq will cause Americans to sit up and take notice; notice that we are losing the war. And, because we suffer casualties, we need to pull out and abandon the Iraqi people once again. In her words:

And yet, it often feels like the American public has no sense of the steady trickle of killed and wounded. I’ve had some people tell me that it’s our fault; the media are not covering the deaths the way we did during the war. Others say it’s because the numbers are so small compared to, say, Vietnam, the news doesn’t catch people’s attention.

We have no sense? How can we miss it. The death statistics are repeated night after night on local and network news, always with emphasis on "the end of hostilities quoted by President Bush."

Ms. Brant, take note: The quagmire thing isn't working. It's tragic that we lose our men. But you and most of the other liberal media have no sense of the long term. You see the statistics for today or this week but you really can't see further than the end of your nose. And what you do see is a distorted misconception of reality.

Update: And if you don't believe it, go read this.

But Then Again

Iran: We will allow UN inspections. Maybe they're beginning to wake up and smell the coffee...uh, I mean the cruise missiles.