
Wes Whiddon's World Wide Weblog.

Saturday, October 12, 2002

Insanity Continues
The Maryland maniac shot and killed his eighth victim yesterday. This deranged sack of shit managed to only wound two others with his ten rounds of .223 steel jackets. And guess what? It's back. Gun control talk that is. Law enforcement officers are holding news conferences and holding up AK47s to show the public what they think he uses to blow away people. I can't even begin to guess how many bubbas have AK47s but there's got to be a hundred or a thousand or maybe a million times that many plain old deer rifles. When the firing pin falls, the lead, powder, and steel don't care...and neither does this madman.

Thursday, October 10, 2002

Democracy Of The Air
If you think business consolidation is good for what ails the economy, if you think diversity and a multitude of voices are no good, if you think programming six or seven TV or radio stations from a “centralcast” location is the way to go, if you believe wholesale staff reductions can add to the bottom line, if you want to live in a city where there is one owner of every media outlet including your ISP, just wait until the FCC finishes modifying the rules that allow companies to own more and more radio and TV stations. This Venus Flytrap of the airwaves will be blooming in the spring.

The FCC has just today approved a new digital method of transmission for radio. Commonly known as IBOC (In Band On Channel) this "new" technology effectively doubles the number of channels available to station owners. Now you can listen to twice as much bland programming and twice as many insane morning drive DJs on the radio.

Daschle Wakes Up
And smells the coffee. Seems that now he supports the resolution to give President Bush some wiggle room with Iraq. Of course, there’s still Senator Byrd Brain to deal with but it looks like his delaying tactic amendment will go away.

Insane Gunman
A maniac has been loose in Maryland, Virginia, and DC for over a week. News stories are reporting today that another shooting in the Washington area killed a sixth victim. Some pundits are asking if this could be "terrorism". For God’s sake, what else would you call it? One of his victims was a child. How could people not be terrified? What kind of twisted and depraved mind is the author of this insanity?

Colin Says Harry's Remarks "Unfortunate"
Powell's reply to Belafonte was, in my opinion, subdued. And that's too bad. From my perspective, outrage seems to be more in order. As an army general, secretary of state, and loyal American Colin Powell deserves far better than to be called a house slave. Mollycoddling these liberal goofballs doesn’t cut it.

Wednesday, October 09, 2002

Saddam's Friends In Congress
War with Iraq looks inevitable. Saddam Hussein continues to build weapons of mass destruction and President Bush is determined to knock him out of power. I expect we will be bombing them by November or December.

Of course, the democrats, especially Ted Kennedy, believe that Saddam is just a harmless guy who wants nothing more than to lead a quiet life in the country. Senator Daschle is leading the charge to gut a senate resolution giving Bush the power to use military force if he so desires. Daschle is obviously waiting for the mushroom cloud over Washington before he gets off his liberal ass and supports the president. He and a lot of other democratic senators are putting our nation's security behind their political desire to ransack the republicans. Of course the house isn’t without it’s share of idiots. Representative Jim McDermott even went to Iraq to consort with the enemy where he suggested that Bush is misleading the American public. Back in the states at a town hall meeting, he wondered aloud if there is a “bloodless, silent coup” going on in the U.S. A real patriot, Mr. McDermott.

Loonacy In New Jersey
Speaking of idiocy, the state of New Jersey seems to have qualified as the supreme center of such. A few years ago, some local yokels decided the state needed a “poet laureate”. Legislation was passed and, after due consideration, a committee of upstanding poets appointed a local loon named Amiri Baraka, aka Everett Leroy Jones, aka LeRoi Jones. Jones, or whatever he calls himself, was kicked out of the English department at Rutgers about ten years ago and has set himself on a racist course ever since. After calling the professors who voted against him “klansmen” he launched himself on a racist and anti-semitic trajectory that culminated in his latest drivel entitled “Somebody Blew Up America”. Incredibly, he blames the U.S. government and the Israelis for the world trade center horror. In my opinion, freedom of speech doesn’t extend to the brain dead. Amire Everett Leroy LeRoi Baraka Jones should be shipped off on the first fast freighter to Baghdad or better yet, strapped to the shuttle and dropped into the Iraqi desert from about 150 miles up.

More Of The Same
Harry Belafonte has joined the loon party. Fox News' web site reports that he’s slamming Colin Powell, calling him President Bush’s house slave. Belefonte believes that Powell will stay as long as he “does the master’s bidding”. Another candidate for shipment but this time on a banana boat.