
Wes Whiddon's World Wide Weblog.

Saturday, January 03, 2004


Catches it from above and below.

Mars Rover "Spirit"

Is set to land on Mars within a few minutes. Here's hoping it doesn't meet the same fate as Beagle 2.
Update: According to NASA, Spirit touched down on Mars at 11:30 PM EST. No signal from the lander yet but it only has a low gain antenna deployed at this time.

CNN Has Lowered The Boom

On Howard Dean about his lax behavior regarding the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant. If there ever was supreme hypocrisy, this is it.

Friday, January 02, 2004

I Always Dread It

When my kids travel. And with the terrorist alert in full swing, just being on an airliner right now lends itself to a high level of anxiety. But they made it to Chicago OK so now our holiday is over and it's back to business.

Michael Jackson Of The Animal World

Steve Irwin, commonly known as the "Crocodile Hunter", taunted a 13 foot croc today while holding his one month old child. This asinine stunt should earn him a trip to jail.

This Is A Little Late

But we had a massive New Years Eve celebration at our house. It went something like this: ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. At least I think it did. I can't remember because I was asleep.

If I Had Been Able

To get to Blogger, which has been down for the past day or so, I would have reported that our daughter and son-in-law were in a major car crash in Dallas at about 12:45 AM on New Years Eve night. Thank God they weren't injured after a drunken idiot plowed into the back of their Honda at a stop light. The guy was running from another hit and run and drunk as a skunk. Throwing the book at this lunatic isn't enough. Not an auspicious start to 2004.

Wednesday, December 31, 2003

The Navy

Is taking an interest in blogging. What's wierd is they never thought of using cooperative web sites before now.

Tuesday, December 30, 2003

This Is Long

And scary.

The Farmer's Almanac

A terrorist tool?

Looks Like The Navy Will Get

A replacement for the EA-6. Boeing is building a slew of F/A 18s and the new EA-18 in the coming few years. The EA-18 is just an electronic platform based on one of these.

Saddam Was Still

Withdrawing money--in the billions--from Iraqi banks a week after the shooting started. And now we may find out where a lot of it is hiding. Maybe after spending a couple of sleepless weeks, he's in a more talkative mood.

And Speaking Of Christmas Holiday

After our daughter and son-in-law left, we spent the rest of the day de-decorating. Except for lunch and a couple of trips to Target to buy storage containers, we worked until 6:00 PM. And I can truly say I'm always glad to see Christmas come and glad to see it go. I would like to relax for the next two days but I've got a newsletter to edit and publish before Friday.

Christmas Holiday Is Over

So it's back to blogging. Victor Davis Hansen (who I still can't believe is a Democrat) lowers the boom on the pampered and over privileged western intelligentsia. This man can say more in one paragraph than most writers in a whole book.

Lots Of Family Time

During the past few days. Our daughter and her family were here until today. They left this morning for Dallas to visit my son-in-law's parents. Usually I'm glad to see relatives come and glad to see them go but this time it was sad as they drove away. We get so little time with them, probably less than ten days a year. And with a new granddaughter, it makes it worse.

Sunday, December 28, 2003

The Iranian Earthquake Disaster

Now stands at 20,000 dead and could go as high as 40,000. Setting aside our differences with Iran, we have sent disaster relief in the form of medical supplies and emergency personnel. This isn't the first time Iran has had a huge death toll in an earthquake. In 1990, 50,000 died in a magnitude 7.3 quake.