
Wes Whiddon's World Wide Weblog.

Friday, October 17, 2003

Yeah, Right!

Iran: We have no plans to develop nuclear weapons.

The Biggest Whiners Donate The Least Amount

The EU's pledge of 200 million euros is less than what the Spanish government alone has pledged for Iraq reconstruction. Our Spanish friends have donated 258 million euros to the cause.

Update: Of course all of the above amounts to peanuts compared to our donation...assuming the senate doesn't screw it up.

Boobs Vs. KFC

The Colonel mistreats his chicks...according to Pamela Anderson.

Update: After posting this minutiae, I'm wondering to myself why I even bother.

Read This

And weep.

Thursday, October 16, 2003

Staten Island Ferry Crash

At least one witness says the captain of the ferry boat that crashed into a pier was either asleep or unconscious as the boat was docking. The fact that he ran away from the scene and then tried to commit suicide is incriminating.

Wednesday, October 15, 2003

Victim Envy

The Germans have finally found a way to blot out the memory of their country's war on the world. Now they're being victimized or have been victimized or will be victimized or whatever. And, of course, the persecutors are none other than America and Britain. Another fine example of European intelligentsia whining.

Update: Even German crows feel victimized.

Tuesday, October 14, 2003

China Goes Ballistic

And finally joins the orbit club.

Dunes On Mars?

Actually this is an area of the Namib Desert in southwest Africa. The red color in the dunes is caused by eons old oxidized iron in the sand

Monday, October 13, 2003

How Can The Media Justify This?

I feel nothing but deep sorrow for this young man who was so horribly disfigured during the Iraq war. And I don't doubt that he's angry; I would be too. But who can predict what will happen in the fog of war? This is nothing more than another attempt to discredit our military.

Looney Rooney: I Just Wanna Be Liked

Twiddlehead Andy Rooney is severely fisked by the BuzzMachine. Check it out.

Prestigious "Peace Prize"

Susan Sontag is described during her award by the German Booksellers Association as "...the American intellectual par excellence, the public conscience of an arrogant superpower." Read the whole thing and decide what kind of description she really should have.

The French Connection

Have the French finally realized that their country is actually disconnected? I'm not sure but this article leaves no doubt that they are waking up to a new world, one where their vaunted culture is just an afterthought.