
Wes Whiddon's World Wide Weblog.

Friday, December 12, 2003

Is This The Beginning

Of the end of spam.

If You Are Canadian

Are you prepared to accept Sharia law?

Steven Den Beste

In his usual verbose but on target style, gives us a rundown on why our president is doing the right thing by excluding the "Axis of Weasels" from the bidding process in Iraq.

Thursday, December 11, 2003

I Am Disgusted

Dennis Kucinich's web page has desecrated the memory of our fighting men and women. This flash ad is beyond contempt and exemplifies the ruthless and immoral things that some of the Dimocrats will stoop to in their quest for the Presidency.

How Yellow Can He Be?

A yellow bellied, scum sucking, bottom dwelling, so called "columnist" for Yellow Times.Org has penned the latest in "real journalism". This prime piece of filth advocates killing coalition civilians to influence George Bush.

What kind of degenerate worm can this guy be?

Wednesday, December 10, 2003

What Goes Around, Comes Around

The French, Germans, and other backbiting nations who opposed us destroying Saddam's murderous regime are finally getting theirs. Our government has dictated that none of these turkeys will ever get into the act of rebuilding Iraq. They are, of course, whining and threatening us with the WTO and international law. This is also seems to be a prime example of the carrot and stick method for getting things done.

Self Destruction

Seems to be in order for the Dimocrats. First Al Gored endorses Dean, then everyone denies Dean is the guy, now Wesley Clark is giving over security to our friends in Europe.

Tuesday, December 09, 2003

We Will Surely Fall From Within

Unless something is done about this.

Monday, December 08, 2003

It's A Crying Shame

That every man, woman, and child in our country doesn't understand that we are involved in a struggle for survival. Well, there's at least one person here who does.