
Wes Whiddon's World Wide Weblog.

Thursday, November 13, 2003

General Wesley Clark

Is toast. And Andrew Sullivan proves it.

Tuesday, November 11, 2003

Bush Dines With PBS

I wonder how slanted the final story will be?

Larry And Jessica

Porn peddler, Larry Flynt, one of the most disgusting individuals on the planet, claims to have bought nude photos of Jessica Lynch because he doesn't want them published. If he does indeed have such pictures, his word about publication is worth nothing and the pics will, at a minimum, show up on the internet. Whether or not they actually portray Jessica Lynch is an open question also.

Jessica, on the other hand, is questioning the good will of the government by the taping of her rescue. Funny thing, though, she probably isn't questioning all the money and perks she's receiving for her story.

Monday, November 10, 2003

Security Council Will Consider World Wide Web

How screwed up could this be?

Another Veterans Day Post

Donald Sensing, who is fast becoming one of the premier writers on the blog circuit and himself a retired artillery officer, publishes one of the most moving pieces I've read. I served many years ago as an airman. We never fought a battle during my enlistment but the cold war was in full bloom. And, as Reverend Sensing says, danger is always with you even during peace time. Even though I was always assigned as part of a ground crew, I saw at least two of my squadron mates killed by accidents. One died inside an airplane fuel tank, another was crushed by accidental closure of aircraft speed brakes. Many would say that piloting the airplanes was most dangerous but we never lost a pilot during any mission.

Public TV And The Analog Channel

Some public TV stations want to give back their analog channels by 2006, much faster than the FCC would require them to. I think this is nothing more than a bean counter ploy to save money. There will not be a huge base of HDTV receivers in place within the next 3 years and this would be tantamount to self destruction.

Win A Beauty Contest

Go to jail.

Gore Gores Bush

Al Gore wants to repeal the Patriot Act. And replace it with what? Of course he also thinks the country isn't any safer now than before 911. Wonder if he ever thought about the possibility that had he and his cohort, Bill Clinton, done something about terrorists before 911, the Patriot Act and it's so called intrusion into civil liberties wouldn't be needed.

Sunday, November 09, 2003

A Fine Post

At Winds Of Change. And, as a veteran, I am grateful that at least one self defined liberal is aware of the contributions--many of them ultimate--by our military.

Witches And The TV Sweeps

Houston's channel 11 is pumping up the numbers with a detailed report on practicing witches in Mexico. Seems they can cure just about anything--for the right kind of money. This news report will surely propel KHOU to the top of the charts.

The al Qaeda Attack

On Riyadh cost 17 lives and over 100 wounded, including 4 Americans. Now the Saudis think another attack is on the way.

Truth and Perception

Victor Davis Hansen's latest from NRO should be required reading for every card carrying Dimocrat and obstructionist in the country.

Zero Based Thinking

Says the Saudi attack is a turning point. Now the Arabs can kill each other over oil and the liberal media can blame them rather than us.