
Wes Whiddon's World Wide Weblog.

Saturday, October 19, 2002

Get Rid Of Those Nukes Or Else
The U.S. is telling North Korea that we are going to apply "global pressure" if they don't disarm. Well let see, North Korea's general populace is already starving to death, so it won't do any good to cut off their rice allotments. The "Dear Leader" could care less if another few thousand die.

Speaking of aforementioned tyrant, check this segment from a CNN report on his early life:

North Korea gives Kim's official birthplace as sacred Mount Paektu. The peak, on the northern border with Chinese Manchuria, is the highest on the peninsula and the site where Korean legend says the nation came into existence 5,000 years ago.

"At the time of his birth there were flashes of lightning and thunder, the iceberg in the pond on Mount Paektu emitted a mysterious sound as it broke, and bright double rainbows rose up," according to the official line.

Researchers who are more objective place Kim's birth in the Far Eastern region of the Soviet Union on February 16, 1942.

Sounds like he's got the same propaganda agent as Saddam Hussein.

But maybe the Pakistani's know something we don't.

Friday, October 18, 2002

The News Just Keeps Getting Better
Another blast, this time on a bus in Manila, killing three and wounding twenty to thirty people. This is four in the Phillipines since the first of October. How much longer before the terrorist asswipes decide it's time to blow up one in the states?

It's now official that of the two hundred killed in Bali, over half were from Australia. Australian prime minister, John Howard, is warning people to stay away but simultaneously offering to pay lodging and airfare for those who are going to recover their dead. Latest word is there's still a hundred bodies that haven't been identified.

North Korea finally admitted it has a nuclear weapon program. Big surprise, huh?

The Maryland Maniac is up to nine. A woman in a Home Depot parking lot was gunned down on Monday last. And in a related nut case, a so-called witness is being jailed because he made up a story about a cream colored van he supposedly saw in the parking lot. Seems he was inside Home Depot all the time. This fiction has set the investigation back a good three days and the guy needs more than jail time, he needs a boot up his butt.

Tuesday, October 15, 2002

Slaughter Of The Aussies
Bali's morgues and hospitals are overflowing and Australia weeps for it's dead. Hundreds have yet to be identified. Husbands and wives and parents, struck down with anguish are searching these grizzly places for the charred and broken remains of a wife or husband or child. Tourists stream out of the country. Grief stricken friends and relatives with photos stand in airport terminals hoping beyond hope that someone has seen their loved one in a hospital. To a country of only 18 million people, this a 9/11 equivalent. From Tim Blair's website:

FORBES IS a small town – pop. 8,500 – in central-west New South Wales. Three men from the town are missing following the bomb attacks in Bali. Everybody in Forbes knows them. Two are farmers. One is a council worker.

The mayor of Forbes, Alister Lockhart, gave this summary of the town's reaction: "In a much smaller way it means the same to the people of Forbes that it meant to the people of New York after September 11."

Does this remind you of anything you read after the WTC went down.

Sunday, October 13, 2002

The Great Satan Strikes Again
A Muslim cleric, Abu Bakar Baasyir, leader of an al Qaeda faction known as Jemaah Islamiah, says the U.S. is responsible for the appaling nightclub bombing in Bali. He claims we want to strengthen our claim that Indonesia is a hotbed of terrorist activity. So let me see if I've got this straight. Seven bombings in three weeks ending in a blast that destroyed a city block, killed 187, and wounded another 200 doesn't qualify as terrorism? Hmmm...sounds like he's been talking to Amiri Baraka.