
Wes Whiddon's World Wide Weblog.

Thursday, October 24, 2002

Were They Just Stupid?
Or did they think they were invincible. After a three week killing spree, the sniper pair were caught at a roadside rest stop...sleeping no less. Publicity did them in: A truck driver saw their car and called 911. Fifteen minutes later, FBI and Maryland state troopers swarmed them. The awful total is ten shot dead on the spot and three wounded. Their 1990 Chevrolet Caprice was the most chilling part, though. These monsters from hell had modified the back seat to fold down so they could shoot out through two holes in the trunk lid. Ballistics testing has shown the Bushmaster 223 rifle found in the car is the same gun used for 11 of the shootings. Now they're headed for the gurney with straps and needles.


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