
Wes Whiddon's World Wide Weblog.

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Back in Houston last Sunday evening. It was a good Christmas with our daughter and her family but home and your own bed is best. I'm always glad to visit family and I'm always glad to be back.

We missed the making of history while we were away. On Christmas eve, it snowed about two inches in Sugar Land, Texas. I've lived in these parts most of my life and a white Christmas just doesn't happen. That's not to say we didn't have snow in Chicago. It snowed three times while we were there but it was always just enough to mess up the streets. The biggest was Christmas day night when we had about 1/2 inch.

I have a host of blogs I read, some on a daily basis, some intermittently. American Digest is one of the intermittents but warrants more attention. This blog has good writing but this piece is more than good--it's outstanding. I'll be visiting this web log much more often in the future.


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