
Wes Whiddon's World Wide Weblog.

Sunday, March 23, 2003

I Have Resisted Blogging

since last Friday because some of the things that have happened have so sickened me.

The most hideous of which are the "anti-war" protests that have taken place in our own country. In my life I have never before been rendered speechless but these nitwits have succeeded in doing just that.

Actually I'm not speechless. I want to scream at these brainless idiots at the top of my lungs:

What are you thinking? You say you are against violence but in the same breath advocate troops shooting their own officers. Are you insane? You should get down on your knees and thank God that you live in a country where you can speak these words with impunity. You receive succor from our democracy and give succor to a totalitarian murderer who would, without a second thought, have you killed for actions as small as the tiniest criticism. You idiots! You fools! You ignorant bastards! When I see your feckless little faces on TV advocating hate for your own country and love for a genocidal madman who has murdered hundreds of thousands of humans, I want to vomit.


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